Results for 'Van John Doren'

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  1.  14
    But Not Philosophy: Seven Introductions to Non-Western Thought.George Anastaplo & Van John Doren - 2001 - Lexington Books.
    Gathered in this one volume, But Not Philosophy provides useful and thought-provoking introductions to seven major 'schools' of non-Western thought: Mesopotamian, ancient African, Hindu, Confucian, Buddhist, Islamic, and North American Indian. Anastaplo studies ancient literary epics and legal codes and examines religious traditions and systems of thought, providing detailed references to authoritative histories and commentators.
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    Law and Philosophy: The Practice of Theory : Essays in Honor of George Anastaplo.John Albert Murley, Robert L. Stone & William Thomas Braithwaite - 1992
    This collection reflects the extraordinary career of the man it honors in its variety of subjects and range of scholarship. Mortimer Adler proposes six amendments to the Constitution. Paul Eidelberg surveys the rise of secularism from Socrates to Machiavelli. Hellmut Fritzsche, a physicist, catalogs some famous scientific mistakes. David Grene (Anastaplo's dissertation advisor) looks at Shakespeare's Measure for Measure as "mythological history." Harry V. Jaffa continues a running debate with Anastaplo on how to read the Constitution, James Lehrberger examines Aquinas's (...)
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    The Idea of Progress.Charles Van Doren - 1969 - Philosophical Quarterly 19 (75):178-180.
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    Movement preparation improves touch perception without awareness.Freek van Ede, Thomas I. van Doren, Jochem Damhuis, Floris P. de Lange & Eric Maris - 2015 - Cognition 137:189-195.
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    Interrater reliability of the BelRAI Social Supplement in Flanders, Belgium: Simultaneous rating of community-dwelling adults with care needs during COVID-19.Shauni Van Doren, David De Coninck, Kirsten Hermans & Anja Declercq - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundThe BelRAI Screener is a short-form assessment consolidating internationally validated interRAI items focusing on physical and psychological aspects of functioning and problems with activities of daily living. It was fully implemented in the Flemish home care setting as of June 2021. In a biopsychosocial model for developing a personalized and effective care plan social and contextual aspects are considered equally important to biomedical ones. Thus, a social supplement to the BelRAI Screener was collaboratively developed with stakeholders and tested to gather (...)
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    Vlaamse Gemeenschap : politiek jaaroverzicht 1986.Jan Van Doren - 1987 - Res Publica 29 (3):435-447.
    The political agenda for the first year of governing of the second autonomous Fiemish government in the history of the Belgian state, was dominated by the debate concerning the additional financial resources and authorities for the communities and regions. The immediate cause for this, was the extensive saving-plan of the national government, which also hit the communities and regions. The final outcome of the debate was the so-called Saint-Catherina agreement, which not only provides a number of savings, but also the (...)
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    Culture Moderates the Relationship Between Emotional Fit and Collective Aspects of Well-Being.Sinhae Cho, Natalia Van Doren, Mark R. Minnick, Daniel N. Albohn, Reginald B. Adams & José A. Soto - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:346900.
    The present study examined how emotional fit with culture – the degree of similarity between an individual’ emotional response to the emotional response of others from the same culture – relates to well-being in a sample of Asian American and European American college students. Using a profile correlation method, we calculated three types of emotional fit based on self-reported emotions, facial expressions, and physiological responses. We then examined the relationships between emotional fit and individual well-being (depression, life satisfaction) as well (...)
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    The Private ReaderStudies in Honor of Frederick W. Shipley.Ephraim Fischoff & Mark van Doren - 1942 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 2 (6):71.
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    The Idea of Progress.Robert Stover & Charles Van Doren - 1969 - Philosophical Quarterly 19 (75):178.
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  10. Concepts in Western Thought Series.Mortimer J. Adler, Otto A. Bird, Charles Van Doren, Robert G. Hazo & V. J. Mcgill - 1968 - Ethics 79 (1):87-89.
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    The Young Heidegger: Rumor of the Hidden King.John Van Buren - 1994 - Indiana University Press.
    "... a major contribution to Heidegger scholarship..." —Journal of the History of Behavioral Sciences "Van Buren’s portrayal of these formative years is striking and vital to all future Heidegger scholarship." —Christian Century "Van Buren presents a clear and cogent argument for the theory that Martin Heidegger’s mature thought, epitomized in Being and Time, actually was a return to his youthful theory and concerns.... Van Buren’s ability to present a rounded discussion while using Heidegger’s own technical vocabulary is highly commendable." —Library (...)
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    Epistemic Logic for AI and Computer Science.John-Jules Ch Meyer & Wiebe van der Hoek - 1995 - Cambridge University Press.
    Epistemic logic has grown from its philosophical beginnings to find diverse applications in computer science, and as a means of reasoning about the knowledge and belief of agents. This book provides a broad introduction to the subject, along with many exercises and their solutions. The authors begin by presenting the necessary apparatus from mathematics and logic, including Kripke semantics and the well-known modal logics K, T, S4 and S5. Then they turn to applications in the context of distributed systems and (...)
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    Self-organization of cognitive performance.Guy C. Van Orden, John G. Holden & Michael T. Turvey - 2003 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 132 (3):331.
  14. Information Technology and Moral Philosophy.Jeroen van den Hoven & John Weckert (eds.) - 2008 - Cambridge University Press.
    Information technology is an integral part of the practices and institutions of post-industrial society. It is also a source of hard moral questions and thus is both a probing and relevant area for moral theory. In this volume, an international team of philosophers sheds light on many of the ethical issues arising from information technology, including informational privacy, digital divide and equal access, e-trust and tele-democracy. Collectively, these essays demonstrate how accounts of equality and justice, property and privacy benefit from (...)
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    Dispersion of response times reveals cognitive dynamics.John G. Holden, Guy C. Van Orden & Michael T. Turvey - 2009 - Psychological Review 116 (2):318-342.
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    Low working memory capacity is only spuriously related to poor reading comprehension.Julie A. Van Dyke, Clinton L. Johns & Anuenue Kukona - 2014 - Cognition 131 (3):373-403.
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  17. The Stories of Logic and Information.Johan van Benthem, Maricarmen Martinez, David Israel & John Perry - unknown
    Information is a notion of wide use and great intuitive appeal, and hence, not surprisingly, different formal paradigms claim part of it, from Shannon channel theory to Kolmogorov complexity. Information is also a widely used term in logic, but a similar diversity repeats itself: there are several competing logical accounts of this notion, ranging from semantic to syntactic. In this chapter, we will discuss three major logical accounts of information.
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    Images of Earthly Love in the Poetry of John Heath-Stubbs.John E. Van Domelen - 1990 - Renascence 42 (4):237-247.
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    Technology Assessment as Learning.Henk van de Graaf & John Grin - 1996 - Science, Technology and Human Values 21 (1):72-99.
    This article addresses the question of how policymakers could deliberately influence processes of technology development. Using the development of wind turbines in Denmark as an example, the article describes the frames of meaning guiding the actions of those involved in the three subprocesses of policymaking, the generation of new technologies, and the management of the firms that bring new artifacts to the market. The three types of actors share an interest in one notion: the meaning of a technological artifact. This (...)
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  20. Artificial Intelligence and Legal Disruption: A New Model for Analysis.John Danaher, Hin-Yan Liu, Matthijs Maas, Luisa Scarcella, Michaela Lexer & Leonard Van Rompaey - forthcoming - Law, Innovation and Technology.
    Artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly expected to disrupt the ordinary functioning of society. From how we fight wars or govern society, to how we work and play, and from how we create to how we teach and learn, there is almost no field of human activity which is believed to be entirely immune from the impact of this emerging technology. This poses a multifaceted problem when it comes to designing and understanding regulatory responses to AI. This article aims to: (i) (...)
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    On the Education About/of Radical Embodied Cognition.John van der Kamp, Rob Withagen & Dominic Orth - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:476625.
    In mainstream or strong university education, the teacher selects and transmits knowledge and skills that students are to acquire and reproduce. Many researchers of radical embodied cognitive science still adhere to this way of teaching, even though this prescriptive pedagogy deeply contrasts with the theoretical underpinnings of their science. In this paper, we search for alternative ways of teaching that are more aligned with the central non-prescriptive and non-representational tenets of radical embodied cognitive science. To this end, we discuss recent (...)
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    The Principle of Inverse Effectiveness in Audiovisual Speech Perception.Luuk P. H. van de Rijt, Anja Roye, Emmanuel A. M. Mylanus, A. John van Opstal & Marc M. van Wanrooij - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13:468577.
    We assessed how synchronous speech listening and lipreading affects speech recognition in acoustic noise. In simple audiovisual perceptual tasks, inverse effectiveness is often observed, which holds that the weaker the unimodal stimuli, or the poorer their signal-to-noise ratio, the stronger the audiovisual benefit. So far, however, inverse effectiveness has not been demonstrated for complex audiovisual speech stimuli. Here we assess whether this multisensory integration effect can also be observed for the recognizability of spoken words. To that end, we presented audiovisual (...)
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    The quest for knowledge transfer efficacy: blended teaching, online and in-class, with consideration of learning typologies for non-traditional and traditional students.Judy R. Van Doorn & John D. Van Doorn - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    Universal intuitions of spatial relations in elementary geometry.Ineke J. M. Van der Ham, Yacin Hamami & John Mumma - 2017 - Journal of Cognitive Psychology 29 (3):269-278.
    Spatial relations are central to geometrical thinking. With respect to the classical elementary geometry of Euclid’s Elements, a distinction between co-exact, or qualitative, and exact, or metric, spatial relations has recently been advanced as fundamental. We tested the universality of intuitions of these relations in a group of Senegalese and Dutch participants. Participants performed an odd-one-out task with stimuli that in all but one case display a particular spatial relation between geometric objects. As the exact/co-exact distinction is closely related to (...)
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    Poor readers' retrieval mechanism: efficient access is not dependent on reading skill.Clinton L. Johns, Kazunaga Matsuki & Julie A. Van Dyke - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Going the whole orang: Darwin, Wallace and the natural history of orangutans.John van Wyhe & Peter C. Kjærgaard - 2015 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 51:53-63.
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    The Ethics of Formale Anzeige in Heidegger.John Van Buren - 1995 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 69 (2):157-170.
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    A Delicate Adjustment: Wallace and Bates on the Amazon and “The Problem of the Origin of Species”.John van Wyhe - 2014 - Journal of the History of Biology 47 (4):627-659.
    For over a century it has been believed that Alfred Russel Wallace and Henry Walter Bates set out for the Amazon in 1848 with the aim of “solving the problem of the origin of species”. Yet this enticing story is based on only one sentence. Bates claimed in the preface to his 1863 book that Wallace stated this was the aim of their expedition in an 1847 letter. Bates gave a quotation from the letter. But Wallace himself never endorsed or (...)
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    Henry at Work: Thoreau on Making a Living.John Kaag & Jonathan van Belle - 2023 - Princeton: Princeton University Press.
    Henry at Work invites readers to rethink how we work today by exploring an aspect of Henry David Thoreau that has often been overlooked: Thoreau the worker. John Kaag and Jonathan van Belle overturn the popular misconception of Thoreau as a navel-gazing recluse who was scornful of work and other mundanities. In fact, Thoreau worked hard—surveying land, running his family’s pencil-making business, writing, lecturing, and building his cabin at Walden Pond—and thought intensely about work in its many dimensions. And (...)
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  30. Niet nix: een kritiek op het academisch nihilisme.John van der Horst - 2021 - Kampen: Aldo.
    Is de geest slechts een werkzaamheid van het brein? Is de mens eigenlijk de slaaf van zijn genen? In de wetenschappelijke wereld worden beide vragen vaak met 'ja' beantwoord. Maar John van der Horst heeft zijn twijfels bij dit academisch 'nietsisme' dat ervan uitgaat dat de wereld uiteindelijk wordt geregeerd door blinde natuurkrachten. Hij schopt tegen het zere been van materialistische reductionisten door vragen te stellen als Waarom houdt de mens van muziek? Hoe kan uit dode en willoze materie (...)
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    Darwin Online and the Evolution of the Darwin Industry.John van Wyhe - 2009 - History of Science 47 (4):459-473.
  32.  51
    Two secondary teachers’ understanding and classroom practice of dialogic teaching: a case study.Janneke van de Pol, Sue Brindley & Rupert John Edward Higham - 2017 - Educational Studies 43 (5):497-515.
    Dialogic Teaching is effective in fostering student learning; yet, it is hard to implement. Little research focused on secondary teachers’ learning of DT and on the link between teachers’ understanding and practices, although these two are usually strongly intertwined. Using a wide range of evidence, this case study systematically investigated and compared two secondary teachers’ understanding and practice of DT during their participation in a continuing professional development programme. The CPDP appeared effective to some extent. The History teacher’s understanding of (...)
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    The young Heidegger and phenomenology.John Van Buren - 1990 - Man and World 23 (3):239-272.
  34.  23
    The Oxford Handbook of Psychiatric Ethics.John Z. Sadler, Werdie Van Staden & K. W. M. Fulford (eds.) - 2015 - Oxford: Oxford University Press UK.
    The Oxford Handbook of Psychiatric Ethics is the most comprehensive treatment of the field in history. The volume is organized into ten sections which survey the scope of the text: Introduction, People Come First, Specific Populations, Philosophy and Psychiatric Ethics, Religious Contexts of Psychiatric Ethics, Social Contexts of Psychiatric Ethics, Ethics in Psychiatric Citizenship and the Law, Ethics of Psychiatric Research, Ethics and Values in Psychiatric Assessment and Diagnosis, Ethics and Values in Psychiatric Treatment. Written and edited by an international (...)
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  35. Rousseau on the education, domination and violation of women.John Darling & Maaike van de Pijpekamp - 1994 - British Journal of Educational Studies 42 (2):115-132.
    This article argues that Rousseau's endorsement of male domination and his illiberal views of rape, punishment and the education of women have been seriously underestimated by twentieth century commentators who tend to produce expoisitions of his work that evade, ignore or marginalise this 'darker side' of his educational philosophy.
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  36. Jan van Ruusbroec, Die geestelike Brulocht, ed. J. Alaerts and trans. H. Rolfson. Introduction by P. Mommaerts.(Corpus Christianorum, Continuatio Mediaeualis, 103.) Turnhout: Brepols, 1988. Paper. Pp. 728. [REVIEW]John Van Engen - 1991 - Speculum 66 (4):946-948.
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    William of Alnwick's analysis of Scotus' ‘formal non-identity’.John H. L. van den Bercken - 2021 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 29 (3):435-452.
    The first quodlibetal question by William of Alnwick is a reply to John Duns Scotus' Quaestio de Formalitatibus, where the latter clarified his understanding of the formal distinction: ‘formal non-identity’ of the personal properties in God (and of the divine attributes) does not preclude a formal distinction if the latter is conceived as a distinction weakened by the modifier ‘formal’. Whereas Scotus' Quaestio has been subjected to a detailed analysis by Stephen Dumont, “Duns Scotus’ Parisian Question”, there is as (...)
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    The Limits of Multilateral Promising.John Orbell, Robyn Dawes & Alphons van de Kragt - 1990 - Ethics 100 (3):616 - 627.
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    A History of Ancient Israel and Judah.John van Seters, J. Maxwell Miller & John H. Hayes - 1988 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 108 (2):309.
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    An unexpected patron: A social-scientific and realistic reading of the parable of the Vineyard Labourers (Mt 20:1–15).Ernest Van Eck & John S. Kloppenborg - 2015 - HTS Theological Studies 71 (1).
    Many readings of the Parable of the Labourers in the vineyard want to treat the owner as representing God. Knowledge of actual agricultural practices relating to the management of vineyards suggest, on the contrary, that the details of the parable obstruct an easy identification of the owner with God, and that he displays unusual behaviour not only by paying all the labourers the same wage, but by his very intervention in the hiring process. The conclusion reached is that the parable (...)
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  41. Critical environmental hermeneutics.John van Buren - 1995 - Environmental Ethics 17 (3):259-275.
    Local, national, and international conflicts over the use of forests between logging companies, governments, environmentalists, native peoples, local residents, recreationalists, and others—e.g., the controversy over the spotted owl in the old-growth forests of the Northwestern United States and over the rain forests in South America—have shown the need for philosophical reflection to help clarify the basic issues involved. Joining other philosophers who are addressing this problem, my own response takes the form of a sketch of the rough outlines of a (...)
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    Towards the Semantic Web: Ontology-driven Knowledge Management.John Davies, Dieter Fensel & Frank van Harmelen - 2003 - Wiley.
    With the current changes driven by the expansion of the World Wide Web, this book uses a different approach from other books on the market: it applies ontologies to electronically available information to improve the quality of knowledge management in large and distributed organizations. Ontologies are formal theories supporting knowledge sharing and reuse. They can be used to explicitly represent semantics of semi-structured information. These enable sophisticated automatic support for acquiring, maintaining and accessing information. Methodology and tools are developed for (...)
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    Sociocultural memory development research drives new directions in gadgetry science.Penny Van Bergen & John Sutton - 2019 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 42.
    Sociocultural developmental psychology can drive new directions in gadgetry science. We use autobiographical memory, a compound capacity incorporating episodic memory, as a case study. Autobiographical memory emerges late in development, supported by interactions with parents. Intervention research highlights the causal influence of these interactions, whereas cross-cultural research demonstrates culturally determined diversity. Different patterns of inheritance are discussed.
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  44. Wage Determination under Trade Unions.John T. Dunlop, Mary L. Fledderus & Mary van Kleeck - 1944 - Science and Society 8 (4):362-364.
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    A replication of the face-superiority effect.Jan P. H. van Santen & John Jonides - 1978 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 12 (5):378-380.
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  46. Abraham in History and Tradition.John Van Seters - 1975
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    Deuteronomy and the Hermeneutics of Legal Innovation.John van Seters & Bernard M. Levinson - 1999 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 119 (3):514.
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  48. Logical paradoxes.John Van Heijenoort - 1967 - In Paul Edwards, The Encyclopedia of philosophy. New York,: Macmillan. pp. 45-51.
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    The God-List in the Treaty between Hannibal and Philip V of Macedonia: A Study in Light of the Ancient near Eastern Treaty Tradition.John van Seters & Michael L. Barre - 1984 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 104 (3):580.
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    Some Familiar Letters Between Mr. Locke, and Several of His Friends. Inscribed: Jos. P. Gazzam.John Locke, William Molyneux, Philippus van Limborch & Awnsham Churchill - 1708 - Printed for A. And J. Churchill at the Black Swan in Pater-Noster Row.
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